Case Study: Pleasure Pool Builders of Dallas, TX (Prosper TX)
Problem: Pleasure Pool Builders wanted more business in the 75205 zip code of Dallas. As referenced on the "About" page, the 75205 zip code is the wealthiest area of Dallas and a fantastic location for any local business to target clients in, especially for high dollar items like new swimming pool construction. Over 24,000+ people live in this zip code.
Solution: Zip Code SEO targeted search terms like "pool builder 75205" using the newly-developed "Best of 75205" directory. You can see the top ranking below highlighted in red:
Solution: Zip Code SEO targeted search terms like "pool builder 75205" using the newly-developed "Best of 75205" directory. You can see the top ranking below highlighted in red:
All of Pleasure Pools info is displayed on the page that we've built and optimized. Note that Pleasure Pools does not share ad space with any other company or contractor on the page. They are the only pool builder who gets this zip code using our resources.
End result: Pleasure Pool Builders gets more online visibility, potential clients and interest from this highly coveted Dallas zip code.
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